Sunday, June 30, 2019

Men's Sandal 2019 V1

In the never ending quest for the perfect sandal this year I am working on a more layered design.

I am already in the redesign phase for this one but I felt I should document how things went for V1

This is the 6th design iteration and they are comfortable.
However I have not been able to get the velcro strap to work regardless of the type of velcro so I just sewed them closed.

Earlier versions helped prove out the assembly sequence

Initial idea has way too many lining parts!
I am now down to two lining halves with a seam down the middle
Some things you have to do to prove that you don't want to do that!

The trick for lasting when you are planning on velcro is to set the design up to be temporarily sewn together and add the velcro after lasting

I'm now convinced that for a back strap velcro you have to have a turning ring to take the stress; that design will come in 2020

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